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Wednesday, December 11 6-7:50 p.m. in Gilbert 324.

Coverage:  Comprehensive, with emphasis (75-100 points of 150) on Chapters 8, 9, and (to the extent we cover it) 10.  

You may bring a numeric calculator  (graphing calculators required in MTH courses are OK; use of more capable gadgets like iPads are not permitted).  No note cards or other material will be permitted.

You will be provided with a Periodic Table and a sheet of conversion factors, atomic weights and other potentially useful information.

Format will be short-answer and show-your-work calculation.

Class results and the exam key will be posted here over the weekend following the exam.

Link to a copy of the exam.

Link to the  exam key.


High score: 136

Average score: 105

Letter grade cutoffs (point total out of 620:

A:  540 or more
A-:  525-539
B+:  500-524
B:  440-500
B-:  400-440 

It has been a pleasure interacting with you this term.  I wish each of you all the best as you move forward!

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